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Here are five solid strategies for Startups by Nuditha Ranawaka

Self Aspirations set out on a groundbreaking journey in 2016 by venturing into the field of training and development. Nevertheless, their journey revealed a significant realization: although temporary ascents were possible, the core of organizational obstacles was found in management and procedures. This insight caused a significant change, leading to the creation of a consulting division in 2019 that quickly changed the course of several businesses. But the adventure didn’t end there. Lead Eye Campus, a school carefully crafted to close the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application, opened its doors in 2022. This article is a trip log for SELF ASPIRATIONS, following their path from training to consultation and now education. It is a testament to their flexibility, strategic thinking, and unwavering dedication.

How and why did you think to start an academy like this ?

A fundamental insight that temporary solutions could not solve the core complexities of organizational challenges fueled this journey of invention and evolution. As a result of this revelation, SELF ASPIRATIONS shifted to consultation, providing bespoke solutions to businesses dealing with management and procedural issues. This change was more than just about growth; it was also about a deeper commitment to comprehensive transformation inside organizational frameworks. Their consulting arm quickly became a transformation agent, guiding organizations toward long-term growth and operational excellence.

What is Lead Eye Academy?

“Launching Lead Eye Campus was a commitment to bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical implementation”

Unlike profit-driven goals, their emphasis was on providing high-quality education. After analyzing educational gaps, they launched pioneering programs in Negotiation Management, CRM, Entrepreneurship, and other areas, emphasizing not only knowledge but also its practical application. 

How would you describe the challenges you faced back then and in recent times ?

However, navigating the Sri Lankan entrepreneurial scene presented considerable hurdles, particularly in obtaining authority permissions. Despite these obstacles, Lead Eye’s strategy shifted to student onboarding, leveraging its existing training and consulting platforms. Their method, which did not include mass media or major social media ads, produced exceptional results, as they welcomed 46 students in a short period of time, with a whopping 85% coming from referrals—a monument to the power of a focused team and planning.

How important it is to have a good strategy and what would be your advice for someone who’s trying to build a good starter for themselves ?

SELF ASPIRATIONS emphasizes the importance of a cohesive team and a well-aligned strategic goal in reflecting on their path. They advocate for a SWOT analysis, which allows people to identify their true potential and make sound decisions. Their approach is upon breaking away from traditional paths, enabling people to imagine making money without being tied to a standard 9-to-5 routine. Based on the belief that actions and attitudes determine outcomes, they emphasize the significance of maintaining an unshakable focus on results and the larger vision. 

If you could give out one piece of advice to our audience what would that be ?

Success is like growing a tree; it needs consistent care and patience for lasting results. Just as a tree requires ongoing attention to bear fruit, sustained effort and perseverance lead to transformative growth and achievement.

Their path represents a major paradigm change, moving beyond traditional corporate training to embrace a holistic approach to organizational transformation. The evolution of SELF ASPIRATIONS from a short-term mind shift to a comprehensive consultation model and now an educational institute is a relentless quest of addressing fundamental business challenges. A testimony to this progress is Lead Eye Campus, which stands tall as a reflection of their commitment to altering the educational landscape. Their journey, fraught with difficulties in the intricate web of bureaucracy and approvals, exemplifies their tenacity and ambition to forge a route in which great education blends effortlessly with practical, real-world applications.

In summary, the journey of SELF ASPIRATIONS—from training to consultation and now education—embodies a story of dynamic adaptation and innovative leadership. Their path is more than just about service evolution; it reflects a philosophy—an unflinching dedication to addressing the core heart of organizational difficulties. Lead Eye Campus is a monument to this ideal, an institution founded on the belief that education should go beyond theoretical knowledge, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Their tale resonates as a guiding beacon, motivating a generation to dare to transform, pivot, and grow in search of significant, long-term impact as they continue to negotiate obstacles and move ahead in an environment where innovation meets resilience.


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